A growing number of greenhouses are built as large monoculture roduction
facilities in order to be competitive and cost effective. The risk of diseases which
are rapidly spreading through these
greenhouses is very imminent and a
continuous awareness and a vigilant
hygienic strategy is therefore very
important. Many chemicals are used
to control the level of microbiological
contamination in greenhouses, and
the amounts of biocides used is still
Bacteria, fungi and viruses are known plant pathogens
causing different diseases. Examples of harmful bacteria
found in horticulture are species of Agrobacterium,
Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas and Clavibacter.
Oomycetes like Pythium and Phytophthora are known
to cause root rot, and the fungus Fusarium forms spores
that are difficult to eliminate. Harmful viruses found in
horticulture are for example the Tomato brown rugose
fruit virus (ToBRFV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).
Each micro-organism has its own susceptibility to a
specific biocide and other important parameters that
determine the efficacy are the concentration, contact
time, temperature, and water quality. In addition,
chemical biocides may leave harmful residues on plants,
equipment and in the environment. Worldwide there
is a rising awareness of food safety, human health and
environmental consequences of biocidal use. This
paper describes the safe and effective disinfection of
greenhouses without residues with Intra Hydropure.
Hydrogen peroxide, the natural biocide
Hydrogen peroxide is a natural biocide that mechanically
destroys a wide range of pathogens and decomposes
after reaction in water and oxygen. In 1977 the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized
hydrogen peroxide as the first antimicrobia disinfectant,
since then it is registered for the use on ornamental
plants and in fruits and vegetables. It is also registered
for the use on stored food. The strong oxidizing capacity
of hydrogen peroxide has the negative consequence that
it is inherently unstable and decomposes too fast.
Intra Hydropure
In the biocidal product Intra Hydropure, hydrogen
peroxide is used as an active ingredient and it is
stabilized with silver chelate. The combination of silver
chelate and hydrogen peroxide is also excellent to
disrupt the functions of enzymes in micro-organisms.
The complete micro-organism, including the DNA,
is destroyed due to oxidation when in contact with
hydrogen peroxide. Today, Intra Hydropure is used
extensively in several of applications in horticulture
during different stages of production:
• Disinfection of irrigation systems.
• Disinfection of hydroponic nutrient solution.
• Sanitizing compost and soil.
• Disinfection of seeds and killing seed borne pathogens.
• The production facility, greenhouses, nurseries,
surfaces, tools, equipment, utensils, trays, etc.
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